Saturday, March 24, 2012

To all my friends and Family that read my blog.  I am enter into a challenge to sell 60 items to help Simon get and Ipad.   You all know that I have two autistic sons.  Well I have one Ipad and Jerry has been using which puts Simon without one.  Which always put them into fighting and driving their poor momma nuts.  So, I have found a foundation that is helping people get Ipads for their children with Autism.  But, here is the thing I need to sell 60 pieces of jewelry from their collection.  So, if you can and are willing please purchase jewelry from The Puzzling Piece and put my name Keri Brown as the Challenger.  This will help Simon get an Ipad to help him continue strong in Life and in School!  Thank you all!!!  Just don't forget to put my name as the Challenger:  Keri Brown

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