Thursday, June 11, 2009

What Next?

Life sure has been full of ups and downs. I am still in the middle of pre-med and very much enjoying it. Even though it has not been easy or moving very fast. I take the days as they come and just hope and work for the best. Here is what is going on with us. Simon and Jerry have both been admitted into the Pingree's summer session of school and that begins like the second week of July and then runs through all of July. Then in the end of August they start full time at Pingree's Simon will be in 1st grade and Jerry will be in Preschool. I can not tell you how proud I am of my little boys and how much they have changed since we left california. Life is good and just full of challenges like everyone goes through.
-The washer and dryer unit has blown a timer gauge so I am waiting for that to be fixed. It could take up to 3 to 4 weeks...YEAH!
-I didnt get financial aid this semester...I screwed up on one of my classes and GPA went down...oh well!
-Car decided to not pass safety so i had to get help to get that fixed. It is now fixed and just happy to have it.
-It has been raining like crazy here so my boys have been stuck in doors. (just so you is really bad to stick two autistic boys into a small apartment...things happen.)
-Jerry has learned the pleasure of hearing things fall and break. So, a lot of my dishes are now in the trash. We are going plastic here!!!
Those are just some of the fun adventures we have been having. Life just seems to get going and then something happens to slow it down. Its ok...We are strong and we are a happy family. Life shall go on and smiles shall make it better. We love ya all!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Getting back to normal

You all know that my washer and dryer died, so my ward bought me a used washer and dryer stackable and it works really good. I am coming to the end of my spring semester and will be happy to see it end. I have been taking Human Anatomy and it has been a really hard class to do. But, I will survive and conquer this class. Not much else going on except that both of the boys have been accepted into the school for kids with autism. That means the boys will be in the best school for them and I will not have to split myself into two to get the boys to two different schools. Yeah! Also during the summer they will be in school and I will be taking Human Physiology and going insane over that class. Oh well it should be fun!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Not much has been going on. Just struggling with classes and enjoying the time that i have with the boys. I am enjoying spring break and loving every minute except for jerry getting sick in my bed. Now that was tons of fun. For all of those who dont know my washer/dryer combo died and by the pure love of my ward it will be getting fixed. Thank goodness!!!! For some reason to do laundry at a mat makes my pocketbook lighter. Oh well! Otherwise the boys are doing good and enjoying school and doing very good. Simon is progressing well and so is Jerry. Life is progressing and we are enjoying life and then days where life stinks. That is the fun of up and down living in this world. I have posted a picture of the dread washer/dryer...HEHEHE...soon it will work again.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Well we are finally feeling good and proceeding with life. Just so all knows I have changed my major and I am going from Nursing to PreMed. Yes! I am insane, but I am going to love it from beginning to end. Other than that the boys are doing good and are progressing at school and loving it. It is really hard to come back from being sick. My house looked like a tornado went through and now i must clean it. Also, I am taking human anatomy class and loving it. Even though it is a really hard class. I hope that everyone is doing good and are staying healthy. Lots of love to you all.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


For almost a week the boys and I have been dying from a cold. This has not been a fun experience since I have been missing school and sleep. This cold started in my boys with fever and coughing. The fever came and left within a few days and then a day later it was back and the boys were back sleeping all the time and laying on the couch. Now for all of you that know my boys it is really weird to see Simon just laying on the couch all day and not doing anything. Luckily...I believe the end is in sight and all should be good. Unfortunately I think that I am the one who has the worse of the cold right now. All up in my face and I am fatigued!!! Oh well life goes on and this cold will just make us stronger....HAHAHAHA.... Well we love you all and We will keep you all informed...LOVe ya

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Starting Point

After reading Kyle and Charlene's blogs, i decided to make one for the boys and me. The life of a mom is always filled with new adventure each day. Yesterday, i decided to clean my floors after living here for almost a year. Every few minutes I would get up and check on the boys. They doing good watching movies in my room or playing the PS 2 in their room. I was almost done so I went back to check on them and found a great surprise. Both of the boys had painted each other. What a great surprise!!! Luckily that stuff comes off! Well I just wanted to drop a message just so everyone knows that we are alive. I will try and update as much as possible. We love ya all!