Sunday, February 15, 2009


Well we are finally feeling good and proceeding with life. Just so all knows I have changed my major and I am going from Nursing to PreMed. Yes! I am insane, but I am going to love it from beginning to end. Other than that the boys are doing good and are progressing at school and loving it. It is really hard to come back from being sick. My house looked like a tornado went through and now i must clean it. Also, I am taking human anatomy class and loving it. Even though it is a really hard class. I hope that everyone is doing good and are staying healthy. Lots of love to you all.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


For almost a week the boys and I have been dying from a cold. This has not been a fun experience since I have been missing school and sleep. This cold started in my boys with fever and coughing. The fever came and left within a few days and then a day later it was back and the boys were back sleeping all the time and laying on the couch. Now for all of you that know my boys it is really weird to see Simon just laying on the couch all day and not doing anything. Luckily...I believe the end is in sight and all should be good. Unfortunately I think that I am the one who has the worse of the cold right now. All up in my face and I am fatigued!!! Oh well life goes on and this cold will just make us stronger....HAHAHAHA.... Well we love you all and We will keep you all informed...LOVe ya